
Live Counter is a counter API with live updates. You can increment integer counters and monitor them for changes, using a straightforward HTTP-based API. Data is pushed using Server-Sent Events (SSE).

Get the server code here. There is also a demo instance running at

The API is being used on this page to display the view count at the top (inspired by rauchg’s blog). Of course, counters could be used for things other than page views or display.

This project uses a high scalability architecture based on Fanout (for handling HTTP streaming connections) and Fastly (for caching last values and Fanout instructions). For background, see this article.


Counter resources are accessible using the form /counters/{counter-id}/.

The demo instance at has 9 counters available (IDs 1-9). Counter ID 1 is being used to count the views to this website. You can use IDs 2-9 for playing around.

Listening to a counter value

To retrieve a counter’s current value and listen for updates, make a GET request to the counter resource with the Accept header set to text/event-stream:

GET /counters/2/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/event-stream

You’ll receive an SSE-formatted streaming response containing the current value:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: Transfer-Encoding
Content-Type: text/event-stream

event: message
data: 26

When the counter changes, new values will be streamed out over the existing response:

event: message
data: 27

event: message
data: 28

Incrementing a counter

To increment a counter’s value, make a POST request to its resource:

POST /counters/2/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

The updated value will be pushed to any listening connections.

Page views

The view counter on this page is implemented like this:

var url = '';
var firstValue = true;
var es = new EventSource(url);
es.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
  if (firstValue) {
    firstValue = false;
    // after receiving initial value, increment counter
    $.post(url, function () {});
  } else {
    // highlight animation for updates after initial value
    $('#views-area').effect('highlight', {}, 1000);
}, false);